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Writer's pictureCate Gongos

Exploring the Mystical Path to Your Soul Part I

Updated: Sep 17, 2022

I have always been curious about why we are drawn to the spiritual path and what the seekers journey entails. Is there actually a path that leads to our soul? In the next few blogs, through the wisdom of The Seeker’s Journey oracle cards we will be exploring these questions.

Many of us begin the spiritual journey because we are looking for answers to our big life questions. Questions like - Who am I? What is my life purpose? For what reason was I born? Or we may find ourselves searching for "something more" that we have not been able to name or find.

These esoteric questions are frustrating because you cannot answer them. Why? Because they require inspiration from a power greater than you. They are invitations from your soul to explore a different world within you that is beyond your five physical senses. This is the world behind your eyes that includes everything you can sense but cannot physically see. This mystical world holds our spiritual senses and higher levels of consciousness.

This quest is your interior journey. You are on a mission to discover the truth of who you are beyond the old stories and limiting beliefs of your mind and ego. This is the seekers journey, that leads us all home to the power and presence we have always had in our heart and soul.

The card I pulled to anchor us on our path is – Reflection.

(Your card message is beside the card)

Who are you?

This question is not about your age, job, or the achievements that define who you are on the outside. This card asks you to examine where you have been and who you are on the inside. Reflection is an invitation to witness, without judgment, your relationships, behaviours, and situations in the past. Connect with your wise, resourceful, and most competent self. Stand in this space to witness your past with compassion for yourself and others. Discover who you really are beyond your mind, ego, fears, and limiting beliefs.

Dust off your mirror and embrace the truth of who you are.

Reflection is a wonderful spiritual practice and a great card to get us started on our path. It allows us to explore our inner world with compassion and without judgment for ourselves or others. We reflect on our past circumstances, life situations, relationships, and behaviors from our power center. This is the place within all of us that is already empowered. It is the part of us that is our most competent and wise self and when it shows up, we feel empowered and unstoppable. This part of us aligns with the deeper truth of who we are - our true self.

In this sacred space we detach, let go, and surrender to a higher power. With loving kindness, we observe where we have been and the destiny we desire. It takes courage to dust off our mirror that reflects our physical image and the unconscious world we know so well. We cannot create our destiny on top of the old stories and beliefs that continue to sabotage or victimize us. They reinforce the false belief that we are not and never will be enough.

In our power center, we courageously turn toward these fears, patterns, and perceptions and surround them with love. We give them the space to dissolve, and we ask them to move on. As they release their hold on us, we feel a lightness within our being that offers us the inner space to create a new story. This narrative aligns with our spiritual values and the deeper truth of who we are. We sense the awareness of our true self expanding under all the baggage and anchors we have accumulated over many years.

Clean your mirror from the inside out and watch the deeper truth emerge. You are so much more than what you see! You are the presence, awareness, and consciousness that is always awake and in the present moment or the now.

The second card I pulled to start our journey was Gratitude. This is a wonderful companion card for our reading because gratitude is an energy and grace that instantly aligns us with our true self and soul. Take in the energy and artwork on this card.

(Your card message is beside the card)

Shift your attitude to gratitude!

Gratitude is a powerful energy that instantly changes your mindset and feelings about any challenging person or life situation. Be grateful for everything in your life: the many gifts and blessings as well as the situations and people you find difficult. When you are grateful to receive everything in your life exactly as it is, you find yourself instantly bathed in feelings of well-being. When you practice gratitude, you are consciously creating something new that opens a transcendent space within your being. This simple tool instantly brings more of what you want into your life, and more of what you are destined to receive.

Energize your heart and empower your soul with gratitude.

We haven’t even started our journey, yet we are already receiving guidance and clarity on some of our big life questions.

Our next blog will feature the 7 Key Cards in this deck. These are our spiritual superpowers, and we cannot make this journey without their grace and wisdom.

I leave you with the wisdom of the Indian Hindu sage Ramana Maharshi.

“The Self cannot be found in books. You have to find it out for yourself, in yourself.”


Cate is the author of the The Seeker’s Journey oracle cards, which will be available later this year. You can view and explore many of these cards on my Face Book page, Cate’s Corner (blog), or Instagram.Cate’s Corner features card readings to offer you guidance and inspiration with whatever is going on in your life right now. I encourage you to check out my blog, subscribe (at no cost), and post a comment. You don’t want to miss a card or a reading that may be life changing!​I am a Feminine Power transformational coach and facilitator. Other certifications and passions include – Card Reader, Archetype Consultant, Reiki Master/Teacher, and Artist. Prior to following my talents and vocation, I was a secondary school teacher and adult educator for 25 years in Alberta, including 16 years as the Vice President of Northern Lakes College.​I call home the town of Slave Lake, Alberta.

Over the years I have had the opportunity to volunteer and provide leadership for many non-profit community projects including : Wellness Fairs, Legion Paint Nights, and Home & Garden Tours. I was also active in the emergency housing and recovery efforts after wildfires devastated a third of our town in 2011.​ I spearheaded Art with a Heart, a three-year initiative that collected original art donations from across Canada to gift to residents who had lost their homes. For my contributions in the Slave Lake recovery efforts and the Art with a Heart project, I was awarded Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, Diamond Jubilee Medal of Honour, and other awards.​I am thrilled to bring my gifts, talents and my "Seeker’s Journey" cards into the world. I will also be creating unique offers and workshops for women who are looking to self-actualize, create the life they want, and become the person they know they can be.

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