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Writer's pictureCate Gongos

Exploring the Mystical Path to Your Soul Part II

Updated: Sep 17, 2022

This is the second blog in a series that will explore the seeker’s journey and the mystical path to our soul.

I have always been curious about the soul. What is it? Can it even be defined? How can something so elusive and sacred help us navigate our everyday lives and guide us to our highest potential and destiny?

My spiritual path has been a long, steady, journey to discover the truth of who I am and the nature and power of my soul. I did not make this journey alone, but with the help of many teachers and soul companions along the way. My spiritual inquiry led me to create The Seeker’s Journey oracle cards. Each card reflects one of my spiritual values and together they created a context for my journey. Writing the guidebook gave me an opportunity to explore and integrate the deeper meaning and wisdom of each card into my life.

The spiritual path shifts and transforms our old perceptions, attitudes, and core beliefs. It opens an inner space that deepens our relationship with ourselves, others, and a power greater than us. We don’t look any different on the outside, but we can feel ourselves shifting, creating, and experiencing higher levels of consciousness on the inside. Our paths will be different, and our awakening may be slow, but we are all spiritual beings on the same journey.

“We are not human beings having a spiritual experience; we are spiritual beings have a human experience.” - Pierre Teilhard de Chardin

In The Seeker’s Journey card deck, there are 7 Key Cards that map out the mystical path to our soul. I call these cards our spiritual superpowers because without their grace and wisdom we cannot make the spiritual journey.

In the next few blogs, we will explore these seven cards in the order that best reflects how the mystical path unfolds. Keep in mind the spiritual path is never linear, and the wisdom and grace of these cards is always flowing and available for us anytime and anywhere. All we need to embark on the path of awakening is an open heart and a beginner’s mind filled with curiosity and awe. So, let’s pack our bags and explore the 7 Key Cards that offer us a mystical path to our soul.

I decided to begin our quest, not at the beginning but at the end with the Soul Power card. The Soul Power card is the final card in the deck and holds the energy of all the cards. This is our destination, and we need to keep the power and energy of this card in mind as we move through the 7 Key Cards.

Allow the mystical artwork on the Soul Power card and the affirmation at the bottom to pull you in. Your message is beside the card. It explores what the soul is and how it works with and through you to manifest your deepest yearnings, highest potential and destiny.

Soul Power

Sense what you cannot see!

The soul is your sacred sanctuary, creative powerhouse, and the engine that guides your life. It is formless, immortal, and rests beyond your thinking mind and ego in the stillness of your being. It is the essence of the Divine in you.

Your soul is always with you, whispering wisdom and guidance through your intuition, synchronicities, dreams, and soul senses. It urges you to awaken, surrender, and trust in a divine power that is greater than you. It works with and through you to co-create your deepest yearnings and highest potential. Transformation, healing, empowerment, and co-creation happen at the level of the soul.

Meet your new power partner!

I want to draw your attention to the seven keys at the top of this card. Each of these keys belongs to one of the seven Key Cards in this deck. Each key unlocks a spiritual superpower that we need to navigate the mystical path to our soul. If you want more details about the artwork and symbolism on this card, watch the short video at the end of this blog or in the Newsletter.

The 7 Key Cards

Our first two Key Cards are Prayer and Meditation. We need one or both these spiritual practices to discover and explore the transcendent space beyond our 5 physical senses. These two superpowers hold the keys to your inner world and everything you can sense and imagine but cannot see.

Let’s take a closer look at both these cards and how they connect with our soul. You may find you resonate more with one of these spiritual practices.

(Find your message beside each card).


Have an intimate conversation with God!

Prayers come in many forms and practices, but you are encouraged to have conversations with the Divine in ways that feel right for you. All your prayers, whatever form they take, are sacred, intimate, and offer you a direct line of communication and connection with God. Prayers are thought forms of energy not limited by physical distance or time. Any thoughts or words that move you into a state of awe, reverence, or higher truth qualify as prayer. Share all your problems, thoughts, feelings, and reflections with the Divine. All prayers are heard, and all prayers are answered.

Experience the power of prayer in your life.

Prayer is a spiritual superpower because it is the medium of miracles, and it allows us to commune directly with God, or whatever name you call the Divine power greater than you. Our prayers are intimate and personal. They invoke an inner peace, a sense of the sacred, and the grace of reverence.

Prayer is required on our spiritual journey. When we work with the power of prayer, we open a channel of grace that allows us to co-create our reality with the Divine.

The prayer key turns when we put our faith, hope, and trust in the Divine. We surrender our prayers and detach from the outcome or the answer we expect. We trust in God’s promise that all prayers are heard, and all prayers are answered.


You are more than what you see!

Meditation calms your mind and invites you to rest in an awareness that transcends your thoughts and worries. There is an inner stillness beneath your thoughts that is always relaxed and present. Meditation invites you to stop doing and rest in the deeper stillness of your being. In the inner spaciousness of your being, there is nothing you need to do, change, fix, or become. When you surrender and accept each moment just as it is, you sense an aliveness, joy, and a presence within you.

Awaken the essence of who you are.

Meditation is a spiritual superpower because it is one of the best spiritual practices to commune with the Divine. It awakens our consciousness to reveal our presence, the essence of who we truly are beyond the limitations of our mind. We experience new levels of freedom and reality that align with universal flow of life, love, and wisdom.

Meditation is not trying to get anywhere; it is accepting where we already are and being here now in the present moment. Only through our awakened consciousness can we experience inner peace, the place in us that is always resting and already free.

The meditation key drops into our heart center when we step out of our busy mind and fearful thoughts and find the balance in our life between doing and being. When we rest in loving awareness, we engage the possibility of being present both inside and out.

The Seeker’s Journey deck has twelve Spiritual Practice cards that all serve to deepen our spiritual awareness and guide us forward on our path. Prayer and Meditation are Key Cards because they unlock and open a direct communion with the Divine. They connect us with the essence of our holiness and fill our journey with reverence, grace, and joy.


Cate is the author of the The Seeker’s Journey oracle cards, which will be available later this year. You can view and explore many of these cards on my Face Book page, Cate’s Corner (blog), or Instagram.Cate’s Corner features card readings to offer you guidance and inspiration with whatever is going on in your life right now. I encourage you to check out my blog, subscribe (at no cost), and post a comment. You don’t want to miss a card or a reading that may be life changing!​I am a Feminine Power transformational coach and facilitator. Other certifications and passions include – Card Reader, Archetype Consultant, Reiki Master/Teacher, and Artist. Prior to following my talents and vocation, I was a secondary school teacher and adult educator for 25 years in Alberta, including 16 years as the Vice President of Northern Lakes College.​I call home the town of Slave Lake, Alberta.

Over the years I have had the opportunity to volunteer and provide leadership for many non-profit community projects including : Wellness Fairs, Legion Paint Nights, and Home & Garden Tours. I was also active in the emergency housing and recovery efforts after wildfires devastated a third of our town in 2011.​ I spearheaded Art with a Heart, a three-year initiative that collected original art donations from across Canada to gift to residents who had lost their homes. For my contributions in the Slave Lake recovery efforts and the Art with a Heart project, I was awarded Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, Diamond Jubilee Medal of Honour, and other awards.​I am thrilled to bring my gifts, talents and my "Seeker’s Journey" cards into the world. I will also be creating unique offers and workshops for women who are looking to self-actualize, create the life they want, and become the person they know they can be.

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