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Writer's pictureCate Gongos

Exploring the Mystical Path to Your Soul Part V

Updated: Dec 1, 2022

This is the fifth blog in our series that explores the mystical path to our soul. To view the previous blogs, go to Cate’s Corner on my website

The 7 Key Cards in the Seeker’s Journey deck help us navigate the inner journey into our heart and soul. I call these cards our spiritual superpowers because we cannot make this quest without their wisdom and grace.

The Key Cards we have explored so far are – Prayer, Meditation, Surrender, and Forgiveness. These four cards, presented in this order, reflect how the spiritual journey organically unfolds.

Prayer and meditation are the two spiritual practices that invite us to leave our five-sensory physical world and rest in an awareness beyond our reasoning mind, fearful ego, and busy lives.

We deepen our inner awareness when we surrender our negativity, pain, and suffering to a power that is greater than us. Letting go and putting our trust and faith in a higher power shifts our perceptions and consciousness. We open our heart and allow the power of forgiveness to heal and transform the anger, regrets, and resentments that continue to hold us hostage.

Our fifth Key Card rests in the mystical domain that is beyond linear time and always in the now. Everything that happens in life happens in the present moment. Each moment offers us an opportunity to change how we react which alters the outcome of any situation. This is because we all have free will and the power of choice.

Choice is our fifth Key Card. Explore the mystical artwork and affirmation. For a quick tour of this card, watch the short video at the end of this blog

Choice is your spiritual superpower!

Every choice you make sets the wheels of creation into motion and activates the Law of Action and Reaction. You have the power to stop, control, or change your thoughts, feelings, and perceptions before you act and react in ways that are harmful to yourself or others. Be conscious of all your choices and how they impact your mind, body, and spirit. Over time, choices driven by your ego and mind can lead to consequences you do not desire. The spiritual journey is about your search for self knowledge and making choices that align with your truth, intuition, and the wisdom of your soul.

Infuse your choices with grace and love.

Our choices often involve actions through the words we speak to others or to ourselves. Words are powerful vibrations and instruments of creation that can be uplifting or devastating. We can destroy someone with the tone of our voice or sabotage ourselves in a single sentence. We are conscious of the words we speak and hold the intention not to use words that spread gossip or humiliate those around us. We use the power of our words to uplift, inspire, and empower us and others.

Each moment is a choice and an opportunity for us to either react or create. We strive to make choices that are more aligned with our values, intuitive guidance, and the wisdom of our soul. These are the choices that create more joy, meaning, purpose, and abundance in our lives. We know we are on track when our choices, actions, and reactions serve the highest good in any given moment.

We create our reality with the power of our choices, actions, and the endless consequences they set into motion. We do not create our reality entirely by ourselves because we are always in a relationship with everyone else’s choices that are also in motion. However, regardless of the situation we find ourselves in, we still have the power of choice.

Our goal is never perfection, but to make choices that are more discerning and congruent with our values, the person we want to become, and the life we desire to create. Managing our power of choice is a fundamental part of the human experience and we learn from all our choices, including the poor ones.

Choice is a Key Card and spiritual superpower because we all have free will and the power to make wise or destructive choices. We create our reality through our choices, words, actions, and the consequences hidden within every choice. The wisest choices we make involve our mind, heart, and soul with a touch of grace!

Join me for a quick tour of the artwork, symbolism,

and message behind the Choice card.

“Choices are the hinges of destiny.”



Cate is the author of the The Seeker’s Journey oracle cards, which will be available later this year. You can view and explore many of these cards on my Face Book page, Cate’s Corner (blog), or Instagram.Cate’s Corner features card readings to offer you guidance and inspiration with whatever is going on in your life right now. I encourage you to check out my blog, subscribe, and post a comment. You don’t want to miss a card or a reading that may be life changing!

I am a Feminine Power coach and facilitator. Other certifications include – card reader, Reiki master, archetypes, and artist. Prior to following my talents and vocation, I was a secondary school teacher and adult educator for 25 years in Alberta, including 16 years as the Vice President of Northern Lakes College.​


The cards are on their self-publishing journey. They will be printed in Italy and available for purchase early in 2023! Sign up now to get your 10% discount.

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