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Writer's pictureCate Gongos

Exploring the Mystical Path to Your Soul Part VI

Updated: Feb 3, 2023

This is the sixth blog in our series exploring the mystical path to your soul. To view previous blogs, go to Cate’s Corner on my website

The 8 Key Cards in the Seeker’s Journey deck help us navigate the inner journey into our heart and soul. These cards are our spiritual superpowers because we cannot make this journey without their grace and wisdom.

The Key Cards we have explored so far are – Prayer, Meditation, Surrender, Forgiveness, and Choice. These five cards, presented in this order, reflect how the spiritual journey unfolds as we expand our awareness.

Prayer and meditation are the two spiritual practices that invite us to leave our five-sensory physical world and rest in an awareness beyond our reasoning mind, fearful ego, and busy lives.

When we let go and surrender our pain and suffering to a higher power, we shift our perceptions and allow our heart to open. Our heart center offers us sacred space for forgiveness to heal and transform all the anger, regrets, and shame that can hold us hostage. When we are able to forgive ourselves and others, we make better choices that are more congruent with the truth of who we are and the person we are becoming. These choices align with the wisdom of our heart and soul.

As we move through the eight Key Cards, we are working with our chakra energy centers and expanding our awareness. Intuition is our next Key Card. Intuition resonates with our sixth chakra, called our third eye located in the middle of the forehead. For a quick 2-minute tour of this card, watch the video this month on my website.

Tap into knowledge, guidance, and wisdom beyond your five senses!

Your intuition connects your physical and nonphysical worlds. It is the subtle language of the soul that allows you to understand something instantly without the need for conscious reasoning or thinking. You receive intuitive nudges through your inner senses, which may manifest in visions, feelings, voices, or an understanding that you can feel in your body. Intuition is a navigational tool from your soul that aligns with your truth and opens doors that are right for you. It often shows up in magical and unusual ways that may surprise you. Trust in the guidance you receive.

Act on the whispers of your soul.

Our intuition is always sensing and interpreting situations that we can’t see or feel with our five physical senses. It is a powerful mystical tool that helps us read energetically between the lines. It offers us another layer of data and truth beyond our five physical senses. Our intuitive and physical senses work together. When we use all our senses, we make wiser choices from a deeper place that aligns with our truth and our soul. These are the choices that lead to more joy and fulfillment in our lives.

All our intuitive senses are the Keys that empower us, and genuine intuitive guidance is always for our highest good. When we act on this guidance we feel light, confident, and alive with new possibilities. We have the courage to act and engage in creative activities that are sourced from the whispers of our soul.

Intuition is a spiritual superpower because it is a life-changing power that we all have. It is the mystical tool that taps into our inner guidance system. Through all our intuitive senses we receive deeper levels of knowledge, discernment, and wisdom, beyond our five senses and rational mind. Intuition expands our consciousness and connects our physical and nonphysical worlds. Learning to trust and act on our intuitive guidance is life changing and a crucial step on our path to awakening.

“The intuitive mind is a sacred gift, and the rational mind isa faithful servant. We have created a society that honors the servant and has forgotten the gift.”

Albert Einstein


Cate is the author of the The Seeker’s Journey oracle cards, which will be available later this year. You can view and explore many of these cards on my Face Book page, Cate’s Corner (blog), or Instagram.Cate’s Corner features card readings to offer you guidance and inspiration with whatever is going on in your life right now. I encourage you to check out my blog, subscribe, and post a comment. You don’t want to miss a card or a reading that may be life changing!

I am a Feminine Power coach and facilitator. Other certifications include – card reader, Reiki master, archetypes, and artist. Prior to following my talents and vocation, I was a secondary school teacher and adult educator for 25 years in Alberta, including 16 years as the Vice President of Northern Lakes College.​


The cards are on their self-publishing journey. They will be printed in Italy and available for purchase early in 2023 on Amazon & various stores.

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