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Writer's pictureCate Gongos

Exploring the Mystical Path to Your Soul Part VIII

Updated: Apr 1, 2023

This is the eighth and final blog in our series Exploring the Mystical Path to Your Soul. To view previous blogs, go to Cate’s Corner on my website

I hope you have enjoyed our journey and gained a deeper understanding of the 7 Key Cards and how they can support you on your spiritual path. The cards we have explored so far are – Prayer, Meditation, Surrender, Forgiveness, Choice. Intuition, and Presence. These seven cards, presented in this order, reflect how the path to our soul organically unfolds. Each card, starting with Prayer and ending with Presence, aligns with one of our seven chakra energy centers. As we move through the seven chakras, our awareness expands, and we shift into higher levels of consciousness.

I call the Key Cards in this deck our spiritual superpowers because without their grace and wisdom we cannot make the inner journey. When we practice and integrate these cards into our everyday life, they move us forward and deepen our spiritual awareness. They shift us from our head into our heart where we can access the many gifts and the power of our soul.

Let’s reflect on how these seven Key Cards created this mystical path for us to explore. We will start with the Prayer and Meditation cards and end with the Presence card.

Prayer and Meditation are the two spiritual practices that allow us to open and discover who we are beyond our five senses. They hold the keys to our inner world that we can sense but cannot physically see. They open a deeper awareness within our being and a connection with the Divine. They unite us with the essence of our holiness and fill our journey with reverence, joy, and grace.

Surrender is an act of awakening. It is when we let go and allow life to work through us. Surrender is not giving up; it is opening and acknowledging a new awareness within our being. It is our capacity to trust in a deeper wisdom, guidance, and a power greater than us. Without the practice of surrender there is no room for our next Key Card which is - Forgiveness.

Forgiveness for ourselves and others is a healing that happens at the level or our heart and soul. It is the key that releases us from the guilt, shame, anger, and vengeance that can keep us stuck on our spiritual journey. When we open the door of forgiveness, we are reminded that love and forgiveness are the greatest gifts we can give to ourselves and others. Forgiveness opens the door to our next superpower which is - Choice.

We all have free will and choice. When our choices align with the power of our mind and the intuitive wisdom of our heart and soul, we are working and co-creating with our higher power. We make wiser choices that are more congruent with the life we want to live and the person we are becoming. To expand & explore our inner world, we need the power of our next Key Card - Intuition.

Intuition is the gift from our soul that opens our intuitive and spiritual senses. Learning to listen and act on our intuitive guidance allows us to tap into the knowledge, wisdom, and guidance beyond our five senses. It is the navigational tool from our soul that invites us to move forward on our path and explore the mystery, magic and vastness of our inner world and cosmic consciousness.

Understanding, working with, and integrating these six Key Cards into our life moves us forward on our spiritual path. The spiritual path is never linear and there is no fixed reward or destination. But, underneath all the old stories, limiting beliefs, and fears of our ego, the Key Cards offer us a path to discover the truth of who we are. This is reflected in our next Key Card which is - Presence.

Presence is our seventh Key Card. It is the essence of who we are – our True Self. Even when chaos surrounds us, there is a part of our being that is always alert and resting in the power of the present moment. The True Self is our essence connection to our soul and the Divine.

Presence rests in our seventh chakra, the crown chakra at the top of our head. This chakra works with our six lower chakras, and connects with the eighth, ninth, and tenth chakras in the mystical realm outside our physical body. This is the domain of the sacred and the home of archetypes, angels, symbolic sight, and the mystical laws. Our eighth Key Card rests in the 9th chakra, and that card is – Grace.

Be on the look out for a 2-minute tour of the Grace card which will be available on my website home page.

Feel the breath of the Divine.

Grace is a subtle force of divine light that flows through you, creating moments of divine intimacy. It is a mystical substance, and its purpose is to heal or transform a moment for the better. It is not logical or rational, nor is it a power you can learn to use or command through your mind. It is the intimate language of the soul that cannot be explained, but you know when it has touched your life or the lives of others. Grace is a sacred gift from the Divine.

You are a channel for grace.

As spiritual seekers we yearn to understand what grace is, how it relates to our spiritual journey, and how we can invite more of it into our lives.

Grace is not a special gift reserved for only a few, but an invisible power that surrounds and protects each one of us. This mystical substance gives us the capacity to transcend a situation or extend grace to others. One act of kindness can impact someone’s life in the present, which may influence their future and, in turn, the future of others.

Grace is never self-serving, and it has many forms, expressions, and signatures. It touches or speaks to us in ways that elevate our consciousness, causing us to react to situations in ways that are healing rather than hurtful. It is the invisible force that can prompt us to rush into a burning building to rescue a person or pet without regard for our personal safety. Our lives have been touched by many graces, many times, and in many ways that often we are not even aware of.

Our goal is never perfection, but to become more mindful of grace in our lives and how it instantly elevates our choices, actions, and reactions. We are all gifted with grace, and we all have the capacity to channel grace to ourselves and others. If we are called to channel grace for others, we become the vessel for grace to flow through us into the person, animal, or situation at hand. We do this in silence with no expectation to be acknowledged or rewarded.

Think of a moment or situation when you were touched by grace.

“I do not understand the mystery of grace – only that is meets us where we are but does not leave us where it found us.” Anne Lamott


Cate is the author of the The Seeker’s Journey oracle cards, which will be available later this spring. You can view and explore many of these cards on my Face Book page, Cate’s Corner (blog), or Instagram. Cate’s Corner features the cards and messages to offer you guidance and inspiration with whatever is going on in your life right now. I encourage you to check out my blog, subscribe, and post a comment. You don’t want to miss a card or a reading that may be life changing! I am a Feminine Power coach and facilitator. Other certifications include – card reader, Reiki master, archetypes, and artist. Prior to following my vocation, I was a secondary school teacher and an adult educator for 25 years, including 16 years as the Vice President of Northern Lakes College, in Alberta, Canada.


The cards are on their self-publishing journey. They will be printed in Italy and available for purchase early in 2023 on Amazon & various stores. Sign up now to get our updates & your 10% discount.

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