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Writer's pictureCate Gongos

Got Soul Cravings? ...The First Bite Is The Deepest

Updated: Feb 13, 2019

What is the soul?

How can I experience and dialogue with my soul?

What does my soul crave?

These and other endless questions initiated my journey as a soul seeker. I didn’t start by calling myself a soul seeker, but I have come to recognize I am - based on my life experience and the body of work I created to manifest my soul cards.

I believe consciously or unconsciously we are all soul seekers. If you are still reading this, you have probably been trying to self-actualize in many areas, for many years, that go beyond personal and spiritual development.

You may be asking or feeling -

What is my missing piece?

What continues to whisper silently and push me forward?

Does it have a name?

I have come to name and describe these feelings as soul-actualization. I see this as the next step and a natural progression of self-actualization. Clarity in this domain is an on-going process and I do not expect to find a definition that captures this term. I am not a mystic, scholar, psychic, or shaman. I am a woman who is driven to be the best she can be, and, in the process has uncovered her deeper yearnings. I have many, but the longing to experience and connect with the gifts of my soul is the strongest.

Cate’s Corner is my journey as a soul seeker, and you are invited to join me!

Are you interested? (A silent “yes” is all that is required.)

My First Bite…

What started me on this quest? Well, it was something quite simple and unexpected. After years of personal and spiritual development, one day I was asked to do a values exercise in a course offered by Stacey Couch *. She provided a list of over 300 values, including spiritual values, and asked us to self-reflect and circle our Current Values or behaviors.

The second part of the exercise was to identify our Desired Values – or the person we wanted to become.

So, we ended up with 2 lists. When l reflected on both these lists I was shocked! I had more items listed under the person I wanted to become than the person I currently was. How could that be?

I was also struck that something bigger was missing! I really had no idea what I valued or who I was spiritually.

  • What were my spiritual values?

  • How could I have done years of personal and spiritual work and not be more conscious of my spiritual values?

This was truly an “aha” moment. What to do?

Well …. I took a deep dive and created a third list. This was a combination of my first two lists and I also tried to articulate my spiritual values. When I finished this exercise, I was aware that something inside me had shifted. I had uncovered something bigger than me that I could almost hang on to. I felt full and satisfied on a level I had never experienced before.

You might be asking - what the heck was on my third list?

Well, I can tell you the contents of this list was my First Bite and it was the Deepest. It pushed me onto my path as a soul seeker and started to awaken what I now recognize as my inner guidance or inner GPS.

I am excited to share my journey with you. All you need is an open heart, and one carry-on filled with wonder and curiosity!

So, start packing and release any need to know how this journey will unfold.

Cate 💜

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