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Writer's pictureCate Gongos

Move With The Magic

Updated: Sep 10, 2020

Wherever you are in the world and whatever chaos is happening in your life, may you find comfort and hope through the wisdom of these cards.


Bless our virtual space and everyone on this journey.


If you have been following this blog, you know we are working our way through the soul seeker’s journey using my new Soul Seeker’s oracle cards. Once I pull a card for our reading, it does not go back into the deck. The cards, not me, determine when they will show up on our journey.

There are 5 cards left in the deck and in this reading the Meditation, Prayer and Synchronicity cards decided to show up. These cards are powerhouses and a great fit for all of us right now. I know this, because on some level we are all experiencing uncertainty and chaos in our lives, communities, and in the world. These 3 cards touch the deepest part of our being and they do it with grace and magic!

Card #1 Meditation

Card #2 – Prayer

Card # 3 - Synchronicity

Your Card Reading – The Magic on the Seeker's Path…

All of us on the spiritual journey are familiar with meditation and prayer, and one or both may be part of your spiritual practice. Our focus is on why these 2 cards showed up together and the messages they want to share.

Three questions come to mind …

What are the distinctions between meditation and prayer?

Why are meditation and prayer often referred to by mystics and spiritual teachers as the keys to our soul?

How do meditation and prayer work with the magic of synchronicity?

Distinctions between meditation and prayer

Meditation and prayer have been practiced by many spiritual traditions and religions for thousands of years. As contemporary spiritual seekers, meditation and/or prayer are often an integral part of our spiritual practice. Sometimes they organically cross over, and we find ourselves doing a combination of both.

Whatever practice we choose; it is our intention and focus that drives our practice and spiritual experience.

What these 2 cards want us to know ….

Prayer and meditation invite us to unlock a higher level of awakened consciousness within our being beyond our thinking mind and ego. Only at this level can we manifest and co-create with the essence of our being, which is our true self and our soul.

Meditation invites us to step out of our thinking mind, go within and experience an inner space and stillness. This spaciousness or “gap” within our being holds our presence or the essence of who we really are. In this transcendent dimension we connect to a power much greater than our mind and ego.

Meditation guides us across a mystical bridge to a higher level of awakened consciousness. This is the home of our true self, our soul, and the Divine Intelligence of everyone and everything.

There are many levels and ways to pray. Reflective and contemplative prayers focus on our thoughts to awaken our consciousness and capacity to dialogue with the Divine. This level of prayer is deep and requires silence, quietude, sacred listening, and reverence.

Organic prayers may be more spontaneous and include conversations silently and out loud with the Divine.

The intention of prayer is to connect and commune with the sacred and the Divine. We listen with our heart, ask to be filled with grace and trust we will receive guidance and answers from the Divine. The reverence and holiness of prayer differentiates it from meditation.

The moment we leave our thinking mind and drop into prayer, we trust we have entered a field of grace and a oneness with the Divine.

In their purest form both meditation and prayer hold the mystical keys to go within and access our soul. If you look at the artwork on each of these cards, you will see a golden key. They are both one of the 7 “key cards” in this deck that invite you to access the power of your soul.

Why did these 2 cards show up together?

Right now, many of us are experiencing uncertainty in our lives and a world filled with chaos. The meditation and prayer cards showed up to remind us they are powerful transformational tools that we can access any time and any place. They can change how we deal with the challenges, situations, and chaos in our life on the inside and the outside.

We become the calm in the storm and a beacon of light that can navigate, balance, and heal any chaos thrown our way.

They guide us out of our thinking mind and relentless ego and take us to a place within our being that transcends all our thoughts and worries. In this space we choose to respond differently to our negative thoughts and the negative emotions they attract.

The ego reacts, the soul responds.

Guided by the energy of the Divine (grace) and the power of our intuitive heart and soul, we make wiser choices that lead to better responses and outcomes. We show up in the life we have now as a better version of ourselves.

The Magic of Synchronicity

Synchronicity is when unusual forces and unrelated events gather at the cosmic level of consciousness and manifest something just for us in linear time.

They always cause us to pause and often inspire us to change direction. Synchronicities are one way our soul talks to us, helps us manifest our intentions and evolve to a higher level of consciousness.

It is not an accident this card showed up in this reading! It is a meaningful coincidence, a nod from the universe, and an opportunity for us to move with the magic of synchronicity. What message does this card hold for us?

My thoughts are….

Synchronicities are messages from our soul. So, our question is, what does our soul want us to know?

Our Message:

We all need a spiritual practice, prayer, mediation, or something else, to help us get “in” to a higher level of consciousness and our soul. Only at this level can we experience the essence and truth of who we really are and the wisdom our soul. Only at this level can we begin to manifest and co create with a power greater than us, the Divine Intelligence of life.

There is no going back. We can only move forward. Move with and trust the magic of the Universe.

Light up the world with your Magic !

We light up the world when we heal ourselves.

We light up the world when we use our gifts and talents to help others.

We light up the world with calm not chaos.

When we light up with world with our presence (magic), we are a bright light for others.


Hi! I am Cate Gongos creator and author of the Soul Seeker’s oracle cards. These beautiful cards and guidebook will be available later this year, but I am introducing them now on my blog Cate’s Corner, under our Sneak Peek on this website homepage, Facebook and Instagram.

Cate’s Corner features card readings using my cards to offer you inspiration, and guidance with whatever is going on in your life right now. Don’t miss a card or a reading that may open new insights and possibilities for you! Subscribe now to my website at no cost.

​I am a certified Feminine Power transformational coach and facilitator. Other certifications include – Card Reader, Archetype Consultant, Reiki Master/Teacher, and Artist. I also enjoyed a 25-year career in secondary and adult education, including 16 years as the Vice President of Northern Lakes College in Alberta.

I am thrilled to be launching my Soul Seeker’s oracle cards later this year. In the meantime, I look forward connecting with you through our card readings, videos, Facebook, and Instagram. Our journey promises to be inspiring and fun, and I look forward to sharing it with you!

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