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Writer's pictureCate Gongos

My Soul Compass Spins and My Journey Begins

Updated: May 27, 2022

For years, I thought I was on a spiritual path. I had read countless spiritual books and taken courses and workshops with renowned spiritual teachers. I had certifications in card readings and archetypes. I was a reiki master, and I had a meditation practice. The problem was, I did not feel fulfilled, and the inner peace I thought I would find through my studies and spiritual practice was nowhere in sight. Something big was missing and I knew I was stuck.

My turning point came while I was taking yet another spiritual course, and the facilitator asked us to name our spiritual values. I was stunned. I could not name a single one. How could I have done years of personal growth and spiritual work and not be more conscious of my spiritual values? I knew I was a good person, but what did I really believe and value in a spiritual context? I also knew I was not the person I wanted to be, and I yearned for more meaning and purpose in my life.

Completing that spiritual values exercise was the beginning of my spiritual journey, and this is how it unfolded. I came up with about 30 words that I felt reflected my spiritual values. But this also presented a new challenge because what do I do with a list of words? I needed a framework to explore each one of them and a way to animate them in my everyday life. I began to do 10 minute meditations on each one of my spiritual values, and I asked for guidance. It took a while, but one day during my meditation a very wise old owl appeared in my mind’s eye. I knew instantly this was something I needed to pay attention to. This owl was very mysterious, and he had a message for me that was clear and simple - “you know what to do.” I reflected on these words. Yes, I did have an inner knowing, and yes, I did know what to do.

The idea that came to me was to create a deck of oracle cards. One card for each of my spiritual values. I am a card reader and an artist, so this was and exciting proposition. Creating the cards would allow me to design the artwork and explore the deeper meaning of my spiritual values. Card readings would also be a fun way for me and other card enthusiasts, to ask questions and receive inspiration, guidance, and spiritual direction.

The first card I created was the Wisdom card featuring my owl. He started as a rough sketch on the back of an index card, and what you see here is the final draft of this card. Below the owl there is a woman that symbolizes me or you. We are dancing with delight because our soul compass has started to spin. If you look closely, you can see our inner compass looking at us through our third eye. Our intuition is telling us it’s time to either begin or deepen our interior journey. To discover who we really are and explore the gifts of our soul.

Our soul compass is one of our many mystical tools. The final draft of that card and the card message is below.

Your compass spins—the journey begins!

Your soul compass is a mystical tool that divinely guides your interior journey and illuminates your path to empowerment. It is your moral compass and an instrument of truth from your soul. Your soul compass uses your intuition and mystical coordinates to help you navigate the challenges, darkness, and storms on your journey. The spiritual journey is transformational, and you are on a path to discover the truth of who you are, the gifts you were born to share, and the power of your soul. Keep your soul compass close to your heart for easy access, inner guidance, and wisdom.

Your journey is divinely protected and directed.

Through my spiritual values inquiry, I discovered that I had many spiritual values, and they were all connected to my soul. All the cards in this deck can be traced back to my original list of spiritual values inspired by that facilitator many years ago. I have come to call these cards my soul values. They are a very real and dynamic force in my life, always ready to offer me their insight, wisdom, and guidance.

Publishing The Seeker’s Journey is the final step in my personal journey to bring this project into the world. I believe these cards have something to offer everyone on their interior journey, whether you are just beginning or a seasoned traveler. I say this because working with these 33 cards and the seven mystical law cards, can only serve to deepen your relationship with your heart and soul.

I invite you to play with the cards and take them out for a test drive. Do a one, two or three card reading for yourself by selecting the Digital Card Readings tab on my website. It is free and fun! Post a comment and let me know if they offered you more clarity, inspiration, or the next step around your question.

The cards are now on their self-publishing journey, and I could not be more thrilled! Stay tuned and I will keep you posted on their progress and when they will be available for purchase.


Cate is the author of the The Seeker’s Journey oracle cards,

which will be available later this year. You can view and explore many of these cards on my Face Book page, Cate’s Corner (blog), or Instagram.Cate’s Corner features card readings to offer you guidance and inspiration with whatever is going on in your life right now. I encourage you to check out my blog, subscribe (at no cost), and post a comment. You don’t want to miss a card or a reading that may be life changing!​I am a Feminine Power transformational coach and facilitator. Other certifications and passions include – Card Reader, Archetype Consultant, Reiki Master/Teacher, and Artist. Prior to following my talents and vocation, I was a secondary school teacher and adult educator for 25 years in Alberta, including 16 years as the Vice President of Northern Lakes College.​I call home the town of Slave Lake, Alberta. Over the years I have had the opportunity to volunteer and provide leadership for many non-profit community projects including : Wellness Fairs, Legion Paint Nights, and Home & Garden Tours. I was also active in the emergency housing and recovery efforts after wildfires devastated a third of our town in 2011.​ I spearheaded Art with a Heart, a three-year initiative that collected original art donations from across Canada to gift to residents who had lost their homes. For my contributions in the Slave Lake recovery efforts and the Art with a Heart project, I was awarded Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, Diamond Jubilee Medal of Honour, and other awards.​I am thrilled to bring my gifts, talents and my "Seeker’s Journey" cards into the world. I will also be creating unique offers and workshops for women who are looking to self-actualize, create the life they want, and become the person they know they can be.

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