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Writer's pictureCate Gongos

Real Cards, Real Time, Real Fun!

Updated: Oct 26, 2018

We just started our Soul Seekers’ Blog Journey, and it is not too late to join in the fun! In my last blog Jump! It’s Time for a Change, I talked about how excited I was to share my new Soul Seeker’s Journey cards and excerpts from the guidebook with you!

These cards are wonderful mystical tools designed to help you start or deepen your spiritual practice, explore the magic of your inner-self, and to connect with the power of your soul. What could be more fun and inspiring than this!

My intention is to share my cards with you in a way that will take us all on a spiritual journey. You may be a dabbler, beginner, or perhaps you are a seasoned traveller who has been on this path for many years. There are always new ways to grow and the cards will touch each of us differently with their wisdom, guidance, and grace. My only advice is to take what feels right for you and leave the rest.

I also want to share this journey with you in “real time”. Of course, we will all be reading the blogs and experiencing the cards at different times, and you may choose to pop in and out as we move forward. To keep us together virtually, I would like to suggest that we commit to creating an energetic space for each other throughout our journey. Each blog will serve as a safe and sacred container to hold us all together individually and as a group. Any time and any where you engage in a blog will be “real time” for us!

If you agree with this idea, a silent “yes” is all that is required. 😊

(drumroll)….. Presenting The Soul Seekers’ Blog Journey! ….Real Cards, Real Time, & Real Fun!

As your facilitator and card reader, I want to share what you can expect in each blog from this point on. Before writing each blog, I will meditate, set an intention, and intuitively pull 2 cards for us to explore. This is called a 2-Card Spread and the blog will focus on these two cards. The blog content will include the Card Message and the Seeker’s Path notes from the guidebook.

The Card Message tells you why you picked a card and asks you to explore how this card might relate to you, a situation, or a challenge in your life right now. The Seeker’s Path invites you to take a deeper dive and learn more about this card from a spiritual perspective. As your card reader, I will also explain why these 2 cards decided to show up together in the blog and provide insights as to how they relate to our overall journey.

But wait …there is still more to explore!

In each blog I will also select one Mystical Law Card that harmonizes with our 2-card spread. Mystical laws are universal truths that will help you ground your insights from the cards into your everyday life. They are our lessons and blessings from the universe. There are 7 Mystical Law cards in the deck, and the art on each of these cards features an exquisite Mandala. This ancient spiritual art form has been used for centuries to expand and deepen the viewer’s energy and awareness. These cards are designed to be used in any card spread or separately to support your card reading. We are using the Mystical Law cards separately to ground and support our 2-card spreads.

Let’s Get Started!

In my last blog I selected two cards to kick off our blog journey. The cards were Choice and the Mystical Law of Cause and Effect. I selected these cards because we made a choice to jump into the Soul Seekers’ Blog Journey. I paired the Choice card with the Mystical Law of Cause and Effect because every Choice you make engages the Law of Cause and Effect. Take a few moments right now to take in the art work, the essence, and the message on each of these cards.

©Soul Seeker's Journey

The Card Messages below will ask you to explore how each card might relate to you, a situation, or a challenge in your life right now. The message may also guide you to move forward from a higher place or to make a wiser choice.

Card Message for the Choice card:

You are facing a challenging situation and need to make a choice. You may be overwhelmed or confused by many options and opposing forces. Or, perhaps you feel stuck and unable to move forward. Go within and take all the time you need to reflect on this situation. Hold the intention to make the wisest choice for everyone involved. Choose the path and course of action that is your Truth. Your path is highlighted on this card as you walk towards the Door of Choice.

Card Message for the Mystical Law of Cause & Effect:

Nothing happens by chance because for every action there is a reaction. Think about an event, relationship, or circumstance (positive or challenging) that is active in your life right now. Reflect on the thoughts and feelings that led to your choices and actions. How did you create your current situation? What can you take responsibility for?

This law states that for every positive or negative action you take (cause), there is a reaction (effect). You may find this law overwhelming, but it also holds something you can control and manage - the power of Choice.

I am putting both the Choice and Law of Cause and Effect cards back into the deck. I know they will want to show up again later in our journey. I will be highlighting the Law of Cause and Effect many times because it is the basic organizing principle of universe and resonates with every card in the deck!

Thank you for sharing this blog journey with me! I am honored to be growing and exploring my new cards with all of you. Each one of these cards is a personal soul key or value that I continue to work with in my spiritual practice.

If you know anyone who might be interested in following our Soul Seekers’ Blog Journey, please send them an invitation. Until next time, much love and many blessings.

Cate 💜

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Unknown member
Nov 06, 2018

Thanks Danila for your comments! I am so glad you are joining us on our journey.

The Soul Key cards are all the cards in the deck. There are 33 Soul Key cards and 7 Mystical Law cards. I called the cards my Soul Keys because these are the spiritual values that I recognized were important keys to my inner-self, and yet I knew very little or nothing about them.

Mystical Laws are often called Universal Laws or Truths. These cards help us ground the Soul Key Card that we are working with and bring its wisdom and lesson into our everyday life. Every Mystical Law works with every card in the deck, but I will be picking the law…


Unknown member
Nov 06, 2018

Cate - exquisite cards!!! and how creative and engaging, inviting us into this journey and sharing your readings. and pairing a Mystical card and a "soul key" card. I'd like to know which is which. I still have an earlier version of your Card Deck!!!!!


Unknown member
Nov 03, 2018

Thanks so much Nelda - I look forward to sharing them with you!


Unknown member
Oct 31, 2018

Julie - I just want to say a big thank you for your wonderful insights and feedback! Your comments totally named what I am trying to capture with the cards. It is so amazing to connect with you again, and to be able to share our journey together.


Unknown member
Oct 31, 2018

Thank you Natalie - hope you enjoy the journey!

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