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Writer's pictureCate Gongos

Take A Chance

Updated: Apr 7, 2019

The last time we met, I talked about my first attempt to clarify my spiritual, or what I like to call, my Soul Values. I created a list of 30 words that I felt were an essential part of my spiritual and soul growth.

The question is…

What do you do with 30 words you believe are the Keys to your Soul?

My Soul Values were words we are all familiar with and they didn’t appear to hold any great mystical secrets. I was curious. How could I have grown up with these words through my religion and spiritual work, and yet know so little about them.

Take the word Grace - I wasn’t sure if I could define it or even recognize it in my life. Or, how about the word Forgiveness? I know it’s important and something I must practice, but how does it really work? I didn’t know Forgiveness was a mystical law, or that it is all about you and has nothing to do with the other person. I obviously had a lot to learn!

I sensed that each one of these words held a deeper message, wisdom, and truth that I had been seeking for most of my adult life. They were the Sacred Food my soul had been craving and I knew I would be chewing on them for a very long time. I was inspired to digest and integrate the essence of these words into my life.

The big question was – How ?

An idea for a project started to emerge, but my ego immediately rushed in to shut it down. “You don’t know enough!”, “Don’t even think about it!”, “This is too big for you!" I felt totally alone and distraught. Who could I turn to for support? The answer was simple – call a friend! I have a few trusted companions in my life, and I am sure you do too.

These are people that you resonate with and trust because their counsel is always wise and for your highest good.

My trusted companion suggested I meditate on one Soul Value each day for exactly 10 minutes and see what emerged. This was not an intellectual exercise but something to feel into from a place of wonder and curiosity. Did the word have a message, an insight, or perhaps a picture for me?

I am a literal person who tends to overthink and control the details of any project I take on. So, I must admit I was a little skeptical. This was a big project and I needed some big help. I decided to take a chance and follow the advice of my trusted companion.

Each day I meditated on a Soul Value and gradually I was able to capture a few words, a picture, or a thought. I wasn’t quite sure if I was making these up or if the words and the universe were actually speaking to me. I sensed I needed to stay the course, and take a deeper dive.

However, by the middle of the month I was getting fewer insights and messages and I started thinking about how ridiculous this whole exercise was.

The next word on my list was Wisdom, and it was through this word that I was blessed with a magical moment. A very wise, old, and mysterious owl suddenly appeared in my thoughts. I called him my Cosmic Owl because he had a message for me. “You know what to do”. I reflected on this message. Yes, I did have an inner knowing, and yes, I did know what to do.

I had an amazing idea for a project and I had the courage and commitment to make it happen.

My Cosmic Owl was also telling me I was not alone. Each one of my Soul Values was ready to offer their guidance and support. They were also my trusted companions laying the foundation for the journey I would take through the framework of my project.

All I had to do was take a chance and jump in!

You are all my trusted companions and I am eager to share my project and this journey with you.

You are invited to - Take a chance!

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