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Writer's pictureCate Gongos

We are Family – Get up Everybody & Dance!

Updated: May 13, 2020

We are all facing unprecedented disruptions, fears and challenges in our everyday lives. Wherever you are in the world may you find comfort and hope through the wisdom of these cards.


As always, I ask that we bless this virtual space

to support everyone on their personal journey.


The three cards pulled for this reading are Play, Present Moment and Flow. They are here to bring everyone some much-needed fun, inspiration and hope!

Step into the mystical artwork on each card and dance with the messages that resonate with you.

Card #1 Play

What to do when you feel blue!

Card #2 Present Moment

Where is your spirit hiding?

Card #3 Flow

Find your flow and away you go!

Your Card Reading

What to do when you feel blue.

Your child archetype is telling you it is time to play! Set an intention today to let go and have some fun. Do whatever brings you laughter, excitement and joy. Get up and dance to your music! Do not to let the challenges, fears and anger during these disruptive times rob you of the simple pleasures that bring you joy. Play instantly pulls your spirit from a place of lack or fear into the power of the present moment. The present is an expansive space that allows you to observe, act and react from a place of compassion, acceptance, love and wisdom. Your most powerful self is accessed not in the past or the future, but in the Now. When you choose to play and dance with the music in your life, you are more grounded in the present.

Where is your spirit hiding?

The Present Moment card urges you to go within and explore where your spirit is hiding. Are you living in the past or dreaming and worrying about the future? If you are stuck or spending too much time in the past or future, pull your awareness back into the present. This is where you will find relief, joy and peace of mind. Whatever is happening in your life, surrender and quit trying to control, change or fix it. Let each moment be as it is. Befriend it, give it space and know that everything will be okay. You have the power of choice and you create your reality. When you make better choices through your thoughts, feelings, words, actions and reactions, you create a better reality for yourself and others.

The present is still, silent, whole and rests beyond the noise of your mind and ego that can hold you hostage in the past or future. The present holds the deeper truth of who you are and is something everyone on the spiritual journey is working towards. It is a higher level of consciousness that aligns with your true self, your soul and the Divine.

Get up & dance!

The Flow card is here to inspire you to get up, dance and flow with the life you have right now. Whether it is filled with chaos and challenges or happiness and joy, this card has an important message for you.

Life loves you and is always organizing around your success”.

Go with the flow of whatever life brings your way and move with fluidity from moment to moment. Let go of the old stories, toxic thoughts and limiting beliefs that hold you back or keep you stuck from becoming the person you know you could be or from creating the life you desire.

It’s time to get up and dance! Allow the impulse of life to sweep you onto the dance floor and illuminate your next steps. When you start to dance with your Higher Power and the music of your soul, life works with you and through you. (Use whatever name you call your Higher Power.) Together you are creating the highest possible outcome or the greatest good in any given moment through your intentions, thoughts, feelings, and actions.


We are a global family coming closer together during this time in history. Even with the many disruptions, fears, and challenges throughout the world, we still feel called to create, inspire and help others.

The internet and social media have exploded with everyone connecting and sharing their gifts and talents through many different forms and expressions. Around the globe we are sending and receiving gifts of kindness, compassion, humour,  wisdom, knowledge, courage, and love.

This is the Mystical Law of One in action.What is in one is in the whole and all of life is interconnected.

I think it's time to – get up and dance!


Cate is the author of the Soul Seeker’s Journey oracle cards, which will be available later this year. You can view and explore many of these cards on my Face Book page, Cate’s Corner (blog), or Instagram.Cate’s Corner features card readings to offer you guidance and inspiration with whatever is going on in your life right now. I encourage you to check out my blog, subscribe (at no cost), and post a comment. You don’t want to miss a card or a reading that may be life changing!​I am a Feminine Power transformational coach and facilitator. Other certifications and passions include – Card Reader, Archetype Consultant, Reiki Master/Teacher, and Artist. Prior to following my talents and vocation, I was a secondary school teacher and adult educator for 25 years in Alberta, including 16 years as the Vice President of Northern Lakes College.​I call home the town of Slave Lake, Alberta.

Over the years I have had the opportunity to volunteer and provide leadership for many non-profit community projects including :  Wellness Fairs, Legion Paint Nights, and Home & Garden Tours. I was also active in the emergency housing and recovery efforts after wildfires devastated a third of our town in 2011.​ I spearheaded Art with a Heart, a three-year initiative that collected original art donations from across Canada to gift to residents who had lost their homes. For my contributions in the Slave Lake recovery efforts and the Art with a Heart project, I was awarded Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, Diamond Jubilee Medal of Honour, and other awards.​I am thrilled to bring my gifts, talents and my Soul Seeker’s Journey cards into the world. I will also be creating unique offers and workshops for women who are looking to self-actualize, create the life they want, and become the person they know they can be.

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